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Guide d'installation

The Manor Was Empty ...


Agent Starr received an urgent communique from Mr. George about an imminent threat.

She hurried to his residence, but when she arrived, she couldn't find him ... or any clues about the emergency he alluded to.

She's asked your crew to investigate as a matter of priority.

You're the Host

Want to see the kit in action? This teacher used 'The Disappearance of Mr George' to transform her classroom into an epic adventure!

As the host of this event, you will prepare the game before your crew arrives.

Your role is like the Game Masters you're used to from other Escape Rooms.

Once players arrive, you'll do a quick intro and keep things running smoothly, as they're likely to turn to you for guidance.

Don't worry there's a Case File with hints and solutions for every puzzle.

The rest of this setup guide will take you through:

1. Personnalisation de l'Escape Game (facultatif).
2. Printing the escape kit
3. Setting up the puzzle sheets and preparing the night
4. Que faire lorsque les joueurs arrivent.

Customize The Escape Game


Besoin d'inspiration ? Découvrez comment cette enseignante a personnalisé La momie perdue et a créé un nouveau jeu d'Escape Game sensationnel !

If you plan to play the base game without customization, you can jump directly to Imprimer le jeu.

However, if you enjoy creating custom puzzles, you can easily edit the game using the Kit de conception inclus dans le fichier de téléchargement.

This is easier than it sounds, since the entire game is built using MS PowerPoint. If you're comfortable editing a Word document, you have all the skills you need to become an Escape Room Designer!

Cliquez simplement sur le dossier Guide de conception à l'intérieur du fichier de téléchargement du jeu. Ouvrez ensuite le fichier Designers Guide.pptx file.

For a full guide, check out the Mods page.

To edit the game:

  1. Open the Designers Kit PowerPoint.
  2. Customize whatever you want using the included artwork or your own.
  3. Mix and match elements or combine with real-world props, such as padlocks. For example, you could replace the last 2 puzzle sheets with a real 3-digit combination lock or safe.

Print the Escape Kit

Open the PDF file Game - Mr George.pdf and print the escape kit on standard paper. It's sized for US paper sizes but will still print on international paper (A4).

There's no need to use high-gloss paper or professional printing, since the gritty style looks almost identical either way. Using thicker paper does add a nice touch, but again, it's by no means necessary.

Download and print your escape kit

Le jeu est conçu pour des équipes de 2 à 4 joueurs.

Si vous avez un groupe plus important, pas de panique ! Il suffit d'imprimer le kit plusieurs fois et d'organiser le jeu comme une compétition d'équipe.

Par exemple :

4-6 players = print once. 7-12 players = print two to three copies.

Optional Posters and Birthday Party Invites

The Disappearance of Mr. George comprend également des affiches optionnelles et des invitations afin de rendre l'expérience encore plus immersive. Aucun de ces éléments n'est nécessaire pour jouer au jeu, mais si vous voulez aller plus loin, ça vaut vraiment la peine !

To print the posters just open the pdf under Posters folder. You'll most likely only want a few of them, so when you click print, type in the slide numbers for your favorites separated by commas.

You can edit and share the invites on Facebook, Instagram, and other social media. Or you can go old school by printing them and sending them via snail mail or physically handing to your crew.

You'll find these in the Invitations folder. To edit, open the PowerPoint file and customize whichever invite you like the most.

These are perfectly sized to be printed as normal 4x6 photos (the small photos people always print).

To export the final invitation, choose Exporter. ?> Export ?>

Choose the JPEG file format and save every slide. This will export all of them as photos, so delete whichever ones you don't want.

From here you can print your invitations as photos with a photograph printer (or by putting them on a USB drive and taking them to a local photo service).

Alternatively, just share the the digital images online.


Set Up the Puzzle Sheets


The Disappearance of Mr. George requires players to solve 10 challenges and combine the results into a star map that reveals a safe combination.

Simple setup:

  • Placez toutes les feuilles d'énigmes au milieu d'une table.
  • Set aside the last 2 pages (11 and 12). You'll read page 11 when the game begins. You'll look at the last page when your team feels you have the combination.
  • Prenez des ciseaux, du papier vierge et des stylos (les marqueurs indélébiles écrivent mieux sur les feuilles en couleur).
A more immersive setup:
  • Find the puzzle sheets that contain 2 puzzles and cut them in half.
  • Place these and the full-page escape puzzles in logical spots around the room. For example, the Chalk Board could be stuck to a wall and the Boardgame sheet placed on a table.

 SPOILER ALERT: Clicking here will show the solutions to all game puzzles.Collapse

No joke ... if you scroll down you'll see the solution to every puzzle in the escape room kit.

Proceed only if you're the game master, and you're not going to play the game.

If you're just looking for hints, here's the Case File.

Tap here to open a larger version in a new window.


Welcome Your Guests


Accueillez les joueurs et planter le décor :

  • Ce qui se passe : expliquez à vos joueurs comment fonctionnent les Escape Games, car ils sont encore une nouvelle expérience pour la plupart des joueurs. Un bon « crochet » consiste à demander si quelqu'un a déjà joué à une application numérique d'Escape Game.
  • Comment résoudre les énigmes : Explain that there are 10 challenges to solve, with the answers being written onto the Star Chart to uncover the combination of the safe.
  • Last two pages: When the team agrees they have the combination, they can look under the cover page (red stop sign) to see if it's correct.
  • Si vous jouez avec des équipes : nommez un chef d'équipe. Les équipes s'affronteront pour terminer premier. Déduisez 5 minutes pour chaque indice utilisé.

Everyone on the same page?

Nobody has any last minute questions?

Okay ...

Go ahead and run the intro video in the Case File.

Then start the background music and get ready for the fastest hour of your life!

Note that the custom Spotify Playlist lasts exactly 1 heure, so it serves both as an atmosphere enhancer and a game timer.

When the music stops, time's up!


Want More Adventure? Grab another escape room party kit:


Essayez Révolte Rebelle. A Treasonous Escape Room Kit That Transforms Your Home Into A Daring Adventure

It's an easier challenge that's perfect for casual puzzle masters or teen parties.


(Save $7 with coupon BUILTONHOPE)