Clink. Whoop. Whoop. Clack.
The D.R.I.L. is unlocked.
Inside you find a Penning Trap, for storing antimatter, along with a crusty old bagel.
Beep Beep. The door stays locked and enters security lockdown.
[Loose 5 Rebel Points].
[Knox et des Zhar, you each have an own area of expertise that you'll lead during this Challenge. One of you rearrange the cards and announce:]
"We're in!"
"Our 2 objectives are to:
We need to find which diode connects to R4
[You can open a high-resolution version of the circuit board on their phone by going to]
Need to unlock the D.R.I.L. using the 6 symbol passcode. It has something to do with the shredded email.
What's the 6 digit code to unlock the D.R.I.L. and get the Penning Trap?
Clink. Whoop. Whoop. Clack.
The D.R.I.L. is unlocked.
Inside you find a Penning Trap, for storing antimatter, along with a crusty old bagel.
Beep Beep. The door stays locked and enters security lockdown.
[Loose 5 Rebel Points].
The R4 diode, on the circuit board, connects to exactly 1 other diode. If we can disable it, the self-destruct sequence will begin.
Which diode is connect to R4?
BLEEP. BLEEP. BLEEP. Self-destruct activated. All personal, and mechs, are to evacuate immediately.
Grab that antimatter and get outta here. Pronto!
Ow! Snaps Knox, copping 1000 volts to his hand. That... that's not it!
[Loose 5 Rebel Points].