Wasteland setup guide

Siren hash

3 tribal leaders

Character cards for Wasteland
Wasteland contracts

Death duels for Wasteland
Happy birthday Wasteland

Bomb speed grab

Best war chant

Max character


Warlord tribal leaderDoom tribal leaderThe Empress

Heavy characterAngel of life characterWasteland berserker characterMax character
Siren character for Wasteland

Vigos characterVigos chop shop

Angle of lifeChoose your avatarChoose your name poster



High Priest of the order of dead godsThe dead god

Max, broker of death

Siren game character
Siren character for Wasteland

Wasteland contractsMore contracts
R-rated contracts

Death duels for WastelandMore death duelsEven more death duels


Export DIY edits




Mini rusty Nerf gunLarge rusty nerf gun

Fake knives

Keys for victory scoring

Poker chips for the games currency

Bomb speed grab

Art contractLarge paint markers for sign creation
Body tattoo contract
Dice for Sirens

Shrine of the high priest




Vigos Lucky Dip



Facebook event setup







Pre-game checklist
I'm here to help with any questions

Siren hash
