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Bring CRAZY FUN to Your Team so Morale goes OFF THE ROOF

Escape Room Kit to instantly transform the office into an ridiculously engaging team activity arena


Looking for More Escape Room Themes + Great Savings?

Use the Escape Room Z in your next team meeting, and:

Everybody Has a Great Time
You can basically guarantee a fun session for your team to look forward to
Insert FUN into Company Culture
Others will start asking for your secret sauce in creating such an engaged team!
Build a Loyal & Engaged Team
For your greater success!


Stuff those boring boardroom meetings.

Don't put up with people yawning on you and texting under the table anymore! You're sick of it, your team is sick of it.

Forget about business. Have some team fun with the Escape Room Z kit!

3 Steps to transform any room into an engaging team session with

    1. Purchase & Download (no shipping or wait time required)
    2. Print & Attach to Wall (detailed instructions to transform any room into your Escape Room)
    3. Start Team Building! (get the team to solve problems and work collectively!)


"We used the Lost Mummy Kit for my niece’s 11th birthday party, and it was a big hit! I had just as much fun creating the props and putting it together as the kids did trying to “escape”! I loved that it came with all of the art work, editable, that could be used as party decoration."

Jennifer Wells
"For my son's 12th birthday, we’ve used The Mummy Escape Room Kit with Lock Paper Scissors. He and his friends had a blast. He built a huge cave in the basement and put up all our Halloween decorations in order to make a real mummies tomb. The kids were thoroughly entertained or 2 full hours and very impressed! Even a few dads stayed to participate!"

Renae Denbow

Engage and entice your team with the Escape Room Z kit, and become:

The Ultimate Team Leader
A fun, innovative winner around the office!

Major Improvement to Team Morale
Create a sense of togetherness when they successfully solve the escape room game
Captain of a Championship Team
Continue to build the well-oiled machine for greater success!


A disinterested team will cost you time, resources and unnecessary energy to maintain, let alone driving any kind of business results.

Conduct your next team session using the Escape Room Z, and create a company culture that is fun and irresistible!


Copyright © 2023 Lock Paper Scissors Publishing.
Claim your free escape room kit
This DIY blueprint has the building blocks you'll need to get started, find puzzles, and CRUSH IT:
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